Forecasting & DOC's
In order to run your business effectively you need the right reporting tools. Our forecasting and daily operating control modules give you the ability to track your performance real time against your budgets and forecasts. As with all our modules these can be tailored to meet your requirements.
The software projects your results based on run rate or against budget or past months’ results and then enables your managers to simply enter their forecast submission without the need to double key budgets or current month to date figures.
Their submission instantly updates the site forecast and gives the manager the opportunity to comment if required. Head office will know automatically who has and who hasn’t completed their forecasts and reminders can be automated and sent to those who haven’t yet submitted.
The display shows you MTD, prior year and budget figures, previous forecasts are retained and forecasts can be available daily, weekly or monthly. Consolidation is automatic and you can toggle between previous days, weeks or months forecasts. All have a full audit trail and the ability to run comparisons against historical forecasts and actual outcomes.
When it comes to the detail for the Managers doing their submissions they can see data imported directly and real time from your DMS and they have tailored descriptions and input rows to work with. Their expenses forecast can be by either total or by expense line if required. All this makes forecasting easy and therefore less onerous on the Managers concerned enabling you to have more frequent forecasts if required.